
Telegram bot that searches Podcast in iTunes store.

Project maintained by Fazendaaa Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



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The solution that you need to share with your friends your love for podcast :3

Telegram bot that searches podcast info in iTunes store.


This is a bot made using TypeScript(TS) because I want something to test the my new coding skill. And, like so, also the Test Driven Development(TDD), the first time that I’ve done anything with TDD.

Two new things in one project? Yes, and a third one is Continuos Integration(CI) just to be able to push running code at a master branch to be running at the server. And, a fourth one, is making a bot that supports it multiple languages.

Like so, once I’ve “finished” this code I intend to write an article at Medium talking about it. All the knowledge that I’ve got it because some one laid a trail so that I can build my own on it.

How to use it

First of all, talk to @podsearchbot.


By default all the commands are in English, but you can see if que same command is available in your language.

There’re three ways of doing that:

Inline mode

The inline mode works both in the Podsearchbot chat or any other chat:

@podsearchbot podcast name


@podsearchbot B9


Just press search button available, it will ask you for podcast name and then does the search.


Just open it a chat with Podsearchbot and then use it like this:

/search podcast name


/search The Mission


If you have any other questions about it just use it the help command:


How does it work?

You can build yourself a bot just like this one, just follow the procedures listed in BUILDING.md.

Want know more?

If you want to understand the “whys” of I did what I did, you can read ALL THE CODE… Just joking, I’ve wrote some of the pros and cons of my approach on the macro vision of the code. If you want to know more, read:


There’s also a Travis CI integration.

Build with

So, whether is code or not you can help me out making this code more accessible by reading the CONTRIBUTING.md.


I would love to say that SemVer or anything like that is used but, in my personal experience, this kind of approach doesn’t work very well with me, the guy who could be committing in this project for two weeks in a roll and leave it for almost one year with no simple npm update. So, no versioning system is used.


Since I will be keeping this README up to date with any major change and I don’t use any versioning system to log all the fixed bugs or previous projects updates, you can still have a taste of what comes next and what is being under analysis right in the Projects tab.


Consider buy me a coffee:

Buy Me a Coffee

Or even becoming a patron:


You can understand more why I choose to accept donations and not sells adds in SUPPORT.md.


Like many Open-Source Software (OSS) the MIT license is used, more about it in LICENSE.
