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A new code base to Anilist bot in Telegram.



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A new code base to Anilist bot in Telegram.


This bot helps you to send info in your Telegram chats about:

More than this it also notifies you when new episodes are released and lets you have a:

All of the data about it is fetched from Anilist & Anichart.


  1. JoshStar was kind to allow me to store the translated info about the content in different languages, improving the user experience;
  2. This project is a new implementation, the old code base is here;
  3. Also, I’ve removed the command option when talking to the to the bot from the old version due to low usage.

Supported languages:

By default all the commands are in English, but you can see if the same command is available in your language. Only English and Portuguese had some kind of review, the others are automatic translation from Google Translate.

Want a new language? Talk to me through an issue about it or hit me up at Telegram: @farmy.

How to use it

First of all, talk to @AnilistBot.

Inline Searches

The inline searches works in any chat conversation:

@AnilistBot search content


@AnilistBot One Piece


Descriptions & Genres

Shows info about anime/manga.

Readlist & Watchlist

Add to your list to watch or read later.


Shows a countdown of your next content releases.


If you have any other questions about it just use it the help command in a bot chat talk:



Right now, this project has the following total lines of code:


And this bot uses four paid services:

  1. Heroku
  2. Heroku Redis
  3. mLab
  4. Google Translate

All of your support actually makes a difference to help me maintain this project up and running. I really would love if anyone who uses it could support it helping one time with any value that think it worth it or even supporting it each month with one dollar through my Patreon. And this would allow me to improve this project more and more, adding a ton of features that I’ve planned.

You don’t think that money is the best option to help out? It’s okay, I’m open to translations request and code also! Just take a look at Contributing.

Also, I explain better the “Why” receive donations instead of selling ads at

Consider buy me a coffee:

Buy Me a Coffee

Or even becoming a patron:


To all of my fellow countrymen, starting at one real each month:



Please, I’m not a native/fluent english speaker, so whether you see a variable name wrote the wrong way or even some comment where I’ve wrote something with the wrong “past perfect way of life” or something like that, please let me know it. Not always is just about the code, but rather making it more clear to other people to learn from it.

So, whether is code or not you can help me out making this code more accessible or even supporting trough a new language or fixing some mistranslated content. Just read the


Since I will be keeping this README up to date with any major change and I don’t use any versioning system to log all the fixed bugs or previous projects updates, you can still have a taste of what comes next and what is being under analysis right in the Projects tab. But I can give you a taste what I have in mind:

Since I will be keeping this README up to date with any major change and I don’t use any versioning system to log all the fixed bugs or previous projects updates, you can still have a taste of what comes next and what is being under analysis right in the Projects tab.

How does it work?

You can build yourself a bot similar to this one, I’ve wrote a tutorial about it in my Podesearch Bot just follow the procedures listed in


I’ve made all the artwork for it, Studio Ghibli was my inspiration.

all soon logo more about error missing db_down not_found cancelled countdown completed releasing

You can see more in the img folder.



Like many Open-Source Software (OSS) the MIT license is used, more about it in LICENSE.